Woodlands and Trees

I believe in the right for everyone to have a rich, fulfilled and healthy life with nature and a decent environment at its heart. Biodiversity is inextricably linked to trees and I know the public wants to see us both protect our forests and woodlands and plant more trees.

Tree planting is an important natural solution to the nature and climate emergency, helping to decrease carbon dioxide emissions by storing carbon in the soil and to mitigate the effects of flooding. I do not think enough action is being taken to plant enough trees to meet current targets.

In my view, it is disappointing that the Government’s target for tree and woodland cover in England is 16.5% by 2050 rather than the 17.5% it initially proposed. I am aware that Forest Research states that as of 31 March 2022, woodland cover in England was at 10%. I am also concerned that the Government’s target fails to prioritise native trees.

Additionally, as well as creating and maintaining new woodland, the management of existing woodland needs to be improved. Not doing so will cause further environmental damage and offset the benefits of the new woodland being created. Sustainable management of our woodland is essential not just for precarious and dangerously fragile habitats such as our own temperate rainforests, but for the effective protection of woodland and urban trees. We must be careful of losing trees.

I will continue to follow developments on this closely and to call for action to protect and improve our woodland and tree cover in England.

Peter Dowd