Park Lane Footbridge Announcement

Following the recent National Highways announcement, reversing their previous decision to replace the footbridge on Dunningsbridge Road, Peter Dowd MP has expressed his anger and disappointment with the decision. The A5036 is the main road to the Port of Liverpool, an extremely busy road that the local community need to cross routinely and safely to link the two sides of the road together – this crossing serves a Church, primary school, social services centre, shops, rail links, a hotel, housing and community facilities. The communities either side of the road need to cross it safely as part of their daily lives.

Peter Dowd MP said:

“National Highways have exploited the removal of the bridge following an accident in October 2022 to renege on their promise to build a new bridge - a new bridge that was supported by the community following consultation which was announced in 2020. They have done this not in the best interests of the community but to take the cheaper option of supposed “junction improvements”. I will be meeting National Highways at the earliest opportunity to discuss this matter urgently and to seek a reversal to this decision, to hold them to their earlier pledge to rebuild the bridge.”

Peter Dowd